Wichuda Pongsapan
Senior Associate
Key Qualifications
Wichuda is a Senior Associate at Chandler Mori Hamada Limited and a member of the Banking and Project Financing Practice. Her unique experience includes acting as a tax consultant for over 10 years with leading financial institutions and consulting firms. Her sector experience is broad including manufacturing, the service sector, hospitality, education, financial institutions, insurance, telecommunications and logistics.
Relevant Client Experience
Some Representative Transactions:
Provides tax advice for various business sectors such as the: insurance business; manufacturing, bank, and non-bank business; tech business; retail and wholesale business; education business; automotive business; telecommunication services and transportation business; family business; business operations; inbound and out bound investments; and especially tax planning for business restructuring.
Experienced in compliance review on various tax issues on, for example, corporate income tax, withholding tax, value added tax, specific business tax, stamp duty to identify tax risks and exposure, and providing recommendation to mitigate such risks and exposures.
- Thammasat University (LL.M. in Tax Law, 2012)
- Thammasat University (LL.B., 2008)
- Certificate of Dispute Settlement Process by Arbitration, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University
- Certificate of Banking and Finance Law, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University
- Certificate of Basic Accounting for Tax Lawyer Faculty of Law, Thammasat University
- Thai lawyer license
- Extraordinary member of Thai Bar Association
- Member of the Lawyers Council of Thailand